





  • part 1八大高频话题

Your hometown

Where are you from?

Do you like it?

Have you learned the history of your hometown at school?

What’s the name of your hometown?

Is that a big city or a small place?

How long have you lived there?

What’s the name of your hometown?

Is that a big city or a small place?

How long have you lived there?

Living area /accommodation

Describe your accommodation a little?

What’s your favourite part of your home?

Will you move to a new place in the future?

What needs to be improved of your flat?

Which part do you dislike most of your living place?

Do you like the area where you live in?

Do you live in your area for a long time?

Would you like to see any changes in the area you live?

Are the people in your neighbourhood nice and friendly?

Study/work/your study

Which school are you in now?

What’s your major?

What technology that you may use in study?

Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the evening?

What are the challenges you often encounter when studying?

What do you like about your study?

What do you need in order to study better?

How much time do you spend studying evening week?

Staying up late 

Do you sometimes sleep late?

Did you ever go to bed late when you were a child?

What do you like to do when you stay up late?

What does it feel like the next morning if you stay up late?


Do you like weekends?

What do you usually do on weekends?

What did you do last weekends?

Do you make plans for your weekends?


How often do you check the weather forecast?

Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?

Has the weather changed much in recent years in your country?

Would you like to live in a place that has a very different climate from your country?

Do you like rainy days?

Does it rain much in your city?

Do you prefer dry r wet places?


What sports did you enjoy as a child?

Do you think children should do more sports nowadays?

What sports would you like to try in the future?

Do you like running a lot?

Where do you usually go running?

What do you think of running as a form of exercise?

Music/musical instruments

What type of music do you like to listen to?

Do you often listen to one type of music?

What music do your friends like?

Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

Is it hard to learn this instrument?

What kind of musical instruments do you enjoy listening to?

Do you think music lessons are important for kids?

  • part 2五大高频话题


A part of your country that you would recommend to visitors

Describe a place in your country that you are interested in

Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time

A place in your country that you think is interesting

Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future


Where it is

How you learned about it

Why you are interested in it

Explain why you want to visit the place

How you felt about this place

Who you want to go with

When you would like to go

What would you like to do there 

What you enjoy doing there 


Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting

Describe a popular person

Describe an actor who you admire for playing a particular character in a film

Describe a person in your community who likes to help others

Describe a successful person you know


Who the person is

How this person inspired you to do this thing

How you learned about the person

How you felt about it

What character it is

Explain why you think this person is interesting/popular/successful

How this person influenced the public

What interesting things he/she has done

What achievement he/she has made


Describe an invention which is very useful in your daily life

Describe an expensive gift you would like to give to someone

Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use

Describe a photo/painting that makes you feel happy/that you are proud of

Describe a objects that you think is very beautiful


When you took it

Where you took it

Where you first saw it

What is in the photo

Explain why you proud f it

What it looks like

How you feel about it

Why it makes you feel happy

Why do you think it is difficult to use(invention/technology/objects)

What you use it for

Who the painter is


Describe a website you often visit

Describe an advertisement you have seen that you did not like

Describe a film/movie/book you have read more than before

Describe a film/movie/book you enjoyed and would like to see again

Describe a sports programme you like to watch


What it was about

Why you read/watch it 

How long it took you to read/watch it

Explain why you thought it was interesting

Why you would like to see this film again

When you were saw it

When is it usually broadcast

What the film /movie /book was

Who you watch it with

How you found it

How often you visit it

Where and when you saw this advertisement

How do you feel about it

Why you disappointed about it 

Whether you learn anything from it


Describe a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about

Describe a complaint that you made a complaint about something and were pleased with the result

Describe a book you have read more than once

此类话题围绕Who/What/How/Why/Where and When时间线展开讨论


How often

How long

How the result was

How you feel about it

How you knew /found /got it

How easy or difficult it would be to study this

How you made it 

How you solve it


What you complained about

Why it makes you feel happy

Why you have read this book more than once

对于雅思口语来说由于每年的1月 5月 9月是题库更新的月份,因此这几个月的题目是最值得考生关注的,但是针对于 part1 当中的 study,work,hometown 属于不会发生变化的必考题型,需要学生充分准备。而part2在出题时最注重事件类题目的考查,人物类和物品类次之,地点类考查相对较少。



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