









   Dear Mr. Self Development, I love this site, but I read your article “Adopt a Lifestyle of Luxury” and I happen to disagree with you. The “real” reason spiritual people don’t want a lot of money is because they know that money is the root of all evil; it’s not because they’re “afraid.” Spiritual people know that money will take their time away from the more important things in their life. There’s a 2000 year old principle that says, you should be contented with where you are today. Daryl 亲爱的自我成长先生, 我   很喜欢你写的文章,但读了你那篇《拥抱财富人生》后,我就不同意了。关注灵性的人不想要大把大把金钱的“真正”原因是他们知道金钱是万恶之源;这不是因为他们感到“害怕”。而是因为他们知道对于金钱的爱会夺走人们对人生中其它更为重要的事情的关注度。有一句话流传了两千多年:你应当满足于自己今日之所得。 达利尔

   Money is not the root of all evil. The scripture tells us that the “love” of money is the root of all evil, and there are plenty of people committing that sin who don’t have a dime in their pocket. Why? Because as with all sins, it’s the “heart” that matters, not the pocketbook. It’s the internal problems that cause the external problems; all problems are internally created. 金钱不是万恶之源。圣经告诉我们,对金钱的“爱”才是万恶之源。有许多身无分文的人就犯了这样的罪过。为什么呢?因为所有的罪恶都与一个人的“心”有关,而非他口袋里是否有钱。是内在的问题导致了外在的问题;所有问题都是由内引起的。 It’s not that money takes your attention off of the most important things in your life, money is a magnifier, and it will magnify your wrong focus if that’s a problem that you have; yet another issue of the heart. 不是金钱分散了人们对生活中其它方面的重要事物的关注度,金钱是一面放大镜,如果你自身有问题,那它就会发大你的错误想法和动机让你看到。 When Jesus said don’t worry about tomorrow, he wasn’t saying to be poor, he was saying don’t worry because your Father will take care of you. He said your Father knows when a sparrow falls to the ground, so don’t fret because you are far more valuable than many sparrows. 当耶稣说“不要为明日而担忧“时,他并不是要让你过贫穷的生活,他是想告诉人们上帝很关心他们,所以不要担忧。他对人们说就算麻雀倒地时,上帝也知道这件事,而你们比麻雀更有价值,所以不要烦恼了。 Yes, you must be content with what you have, and at the same time you must grow. When I was a senior in high school, I was content with where I was, but I still went to college, I still grew. You can be content and still grow. You’re supposed to grow. 没错,你一定要对已有之物怀有知足之心,但同时你也要继续成长、进步。在我读高中的时候,我对一切都感到非常满意,但我还是决定去上大学,这样我才能继续成长。你完全可以在知足的同时继续成长。而且,成长对你来说是非此不可的一件事。 Remember the parable of the talents, where the master gave one servant five talents, another servant he gave two talents, and another servant he gave one talent. The servant who was given five talents produced an additional five talents, the servant who was given two talents produced an additional two talents, but the servant who was given one talent, did not produce any additional talents. He didn’t grow! He told the master, I was afraid, so I hid my talent. (In the article yesterday we talked about “fear” causing people not to grow). 有一个寓言,主人分别给了他的三个仆人五块钱、两块钱、一块钱。个仆人利用已有的五块钱赚了额外的五块钱;第二个仆人用他的两块钱赚了额外的两块钱;第三个仆人没有得到额外的增值。他没有成长!他告诉主人说,因为感到非常害怕,所以就这把这一块钱给藏了起来。阅读:巴比伦富翁的理财课 。 He called that servant who didn’t grow “wicked” and “slothful,” and cast him away. 主人后来叫来没有取得增值的那个仆人,把他遣散走了。 The master then took the servant’s one talent and gave it to the servant who had 10 talents, and he said, “For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” If you have a prosperous mind, you will be given additional abundance, but if you have a poverty stricken mind, even that which you have will be taken away from you. That’s why I write, I want you to have a prosperous mind. 然后,主人把他的一块钱给了手上有十块钱的那个仆人,说,”凡是少的,就连他所有的,也要夺过来。凡是多的,还要给他,叫他多多益善。“如果你有一颗渴求富足之心,你就能收获额外的价值;但如果你的头脑被贫困限制着,那你已经拥有的东西也有可能会被夺走。这也就是我写这篇文章的原因,我希望你也有一颗渴求富足之心。 It’s not evil to have money, its evil not to have money! Its evil when you need to buy your children shoes and you can’t afford it, its evil when your child can’t get the best medical care; it’s evil when you have to struggle with debt, it’s evil when you can’t afford to spend time with your family….it’s EVIL not to have money…拥有金钱不是一种罪恶,没有金钱才是一种罪恶! 当你的孩子需要一双新鞋,而你却买不起时,这是一种罪恶。 当你的孩子无法获得的医疗救治时,这是一种罪恶。 当你负债累累时,这是一种罪恶。

当你没法与家人陪伴在一起时,这是一种罪恶。 没有钱,是一种罪恶!

A Final Note If you agree with everything I write, then I’m irrelevant, I didn’t come to tell you what you already know. If that was the case then you could just read somebody else’s article, I’m not an echo, but a voice, I write so that I can stretch you beyond what you’re comfortable hearing, so that you can produce more. I want to expand your thinking, so that you can live the life you were created to live. Thank you for reading mrselfdevelopment.com where every article expands your mind, increases your faith, and changes your life. 小结 要是你同意我所说的每一句话,那我说它们还有什么意义呢? 如果你早已经知道了这些事情,我干嘛还有重复啰嗦呢?如果真是这样的话,你很有可能去读别人的文章了。 我不是一个回声,而是发出声音的人。 我希望我的文章能帮你开阔思路,而不是说些迎合你的话,只有这样你才能从中获得更多价值,取得更多成就。 我想要拓宽你的思维,这样你才能过上你想要的生活。


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